Sunday, November 30, 2008

Question from Nana

Q: What is the BEST Christmas present you could ever get, at the ripe old age of 5?

A: Well, since my dad is helping me write this, I would have to say a 52" Samsung LCD High Definition Television. One would think that this 5 year old might choose Barbie Dolls or other girly things (get me dolls for Christmas), but no way; I'm a liquid crystal display enthusiast all the way (get me dolls for Christmas). There is nothing better than watching a movie in my own home on a 52" TV (get me dolls for Christmas). Or have you ever played the Nintendo Wii on a 52"? (get me dolls for Christmas) It's AMAZING! Such fun! (get me dolls for Christmas). Anyway, thanks for the brilliant question (get me dolls for Christmas)!

Peace out sisterhood! (GET ME DOLLS FOR CHRISTMAS).

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Question from Ronalda

Q: Alyssa, how do you manage to stay sane with three 3 older brothers?

A: Ronalda,
I get the feeling that you've been through the mill; you've either had many siblings or you've had many children. But either way, you need to know, right?

So here's the deal:

Having 3 older brothers is like getting brain surgery: you could do it yourself, but I wouldn't recommend it. You definitely need some help. It depends on your circumstances, but here's what I do. Boys are mostly physical right? Everything is solved by a punch in the face. Since I don't want a punch in the face, I deal with things on a more intellectual level.

If I am dealing with one brother, I use his other brothers against him. If this does not work, I call in the big guns - my parents. This is tricky, but if you are careful enough (especially with dad), you can use your little girl charm to convince them that your brother is causing you much grief in life and must be dealt with accordingly. But be careful because your brothers might be on a sugar high or something and actually have a clue what you are up to (this is rare, but be careful nonetheless).

In general terms, however, the key to staying sane lies in your ability to filter life's situations. Ever hear of the phrase, "water off a duck's back?" In other words, don't sweat the things that have a tendency to drive you insane! Take the "whatever" attitude. Don't let it bother you. I look around at many people who have remained sane despite tons of older brothers...and I learn from them. If they can survive, so can I. Every day is a new day, with new opportunities to remain sane.

But the truth is: your older brothers will always be your older brothers, no matter how old you get. Someday they will actually grow up and you will be a pro at staying sane by that point, so hanging in there is also key.

Otherwise, just punch your brothers in the face :)