Thursday, October 9, 2008

Question from Karen

Q: How would you suggest that I handle those annoying telemarketers on the telephone?

A: Karen, first off I would suggest that before they even get a chance to sell you anything, ask them for their home telephone number. If they decline to give it to you, tell them you have an unbeatable proposal for them and that you'll call them when they get home. If they still decline, tell them they won't get an offer like it anywhere else. If they still decline, start asking them questions about the weather, where they live and how many kids they have; also what are their names and ages? If they hang up on you, then they weren't worth your time; don't take it personally, Karen. If they stay on the line and still try to sell you something, then hear them out for a minute. After that talk REALLY slow (like so slow even you get annoyed by it). Eventually, they will hang up; I've tried this myself.

Another thing you can do when they first call is put the phone down and go do something else. Or try placing a CD player beside the phone and play some seriously depressing elevator music and then go do something else. You can also try repeating everything they say, this would drive me NUTS and will likely cause the same result with them. My dad always just hangs up on them, but that is no fun. If they are going to come into your home via the telephone without an invitation, then you've got the right to react however you wish! It's Canada!

Failing all of this, Karen, you can register your # on the National Do Not Call List (

Good luck, Karen!

1 comment:

Karen Nieuwhof said...

That's awesome advice! Thanks a bunch. I'll have to try a few of those out. :)