Saturday, April 9, 2011

Vacations and Sugar Cane

Q: Why do people only get 3 weeks vacation on average?

A: I have a better question for you. Why do you want to know? Is it because you have more than 3 weeks and you feel good when you have more vacation than other people? Or is it because you have less than 3 weeks and you're frustrated to the point of asking anyone why this is so? Or are you asking a random question just to ask it?

If it's because you have more than 3 weeks, I'd seriously seriously take stock in your life and think how it would be if you had to work every day of the year. My dad said he met a guy who worked cutting sugar cane six days a week for about $1 a day. That same guy never gets vacation. And if he doesn't work he doesn't eat. What about people like that? If you could put yourself in his shoes for even 1 day, I hope you would reconsider your questions about vacations and the like. Three weeks vacation for the sugar cane guy would be like 1,000 weeks to you.

If it's because you have less than 3 weeks and you're upset that you don't have enough, my dad said he met a guy who worked cutting sugar cane...

And if it's because you are just wondering, you should go cut sugar cane for a day, then you'd find other valuable questions to ask.

The moral of my story? Don't worry about how much vacation you get. No matter what, you're still getting a break. Next time you throw a sugar in your coffee or on your cereal, remember how hard someone worked to produce it for you.

And if you really want to get my drift, go cut sugar cane on your next full 3-week vacation.