Saturday, October 29, 2011

Reasons for NOT dating on Halloween

Reasons for NOT dating on Halloween:
  1. Your date could possibly chain-saw your waiter in half. That wouldn't be good. I've never seen it done, but I'm sure it would be tricky to order desert after that.
  2. Curfew is 8PM in most places. That's hardly enough time for a date. Yeah, let's go trick-or-treating at 6PM, finish at 7PM, and then drive to the movies and be back by 8. NO time for POPCORN!!!
  3. What if your date is a Zombie? Zombies can completely get in the way of a good night out!! They usually want to eat your brains for starters. The good thing is, they are usually slow creatures that are easy to outrun, but in high numbers and in confined spaces they can be fatal. So stick to the mall if you date a zombie.
  4. You have to share your candy. That's JUST NOT happening.
  5. I wouldn't call ugly costumes conversation starters...
  6. Your date might turn into a pumpkin. Wait, that's Cinderella. But it's thematic so get over it.
  7. And lastly, never date on Halloween because the ghouls in the air completely eradicate the love that should be. LAME-O!!! Ick. Ick. Ick.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Junior High Arguments

Q: What's it like in junior and senior high school?

A: I have no idea. But my older brothers are in both and judging from the way they act, it must be like a ginormous circus. I imagine it to be a place where 500+ teenagers gather to stink up the hallways with their farts and laugh with food in their mouths all day long.

And if all students are like my brothers, then the teachers must be insane with frustration like my mother is when they don't pick anything up and they argue about everything on the planet. My dad sometimes walks halfway down the driveway coming home after work, hears the comotion, turns around, gets in the car and drives away again. Seriously my brothers argue about nothing when they pass each other in the hall. "What are you looking at?" "Nothing." "Yes you are." "No I'm not." "Mom." "Dad."

SERIOUSLY!! It's enough to make me use my Barbies as voodoo dolls. I want to go straight from grade 6 to Uvinersity.

Anyway back to school. I'm sure all junior and senior high students sit in class all day and use their cell phones and Facebook like my brothers do. I don't really know any more than that.

What IS it really like? Can someone enlighten me???