Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Question from my Dad!

Q: "Alyssa, what is your favorite part about being a sister? And what advice would you give to sisters around the world looking to better themselves?"

A: Dear Dad, since I have 3 brothers and no other sisters, I would have to say being the only one is the best part. If my brothers had more sisters bossing them around, then I'd only have at least 1/2 of my requests satisfied (if not more, horror of horrors). Then where would that get me, huh? Seriously though, if you want to be a better sister, be a brother sometime first. Then you'll realize how far down the sibling ladder you are, and, trust me Dad, it's no fun being anywhere below the top. So once you truly see what it's like to be a sister (and the only one if you are lucky) you'll realize that you can't really get much better than that! Oh yeah, you can always do the normal things, like share and treat others as you would have them treat you (except your brothers!). Sisters rock!

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