Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dylan Beiber Is My Brother

Q: What's all the fuss with Justin Beiber?

A: Justin who? No idea who you are talking about.

Just kidding. Who doesn't know him? I can't wait to go see his movie. Mom is taking me sometime - or else I'll make my teenage years absolutely horrible for her. Dad can't believe how many products have his picture on them. He said he's a mana-mana or something like that. Maybe it was fen-a-ma-na...I don't care really. Anyway, the B-man is really cool and all that, but my two brothers could out-do him on stage any day. Caleb can dance like a star and he performs all the time! He's even in hip-hop classes. My other brother Daryl, er - Dylan, is Justin Beiber's twin...see for yourself...

Told ya. He has a girlfriend too; she's really pretty. Now he's gonna kill me for telling everyone that. But what do I care - I'm a celebrity - we're untouchable. What's really cool about the B-man is that he's a nice guy and I hope his stardom doesn't make him act like my brother Dylan when he's winning at Modern Warfare (X-BOX). Two words: snob be.

So all-in-all, Justin's just a regular kid, an average person, a plain donut - nothing to get all butterfly-ish over.

That's why I have his picture on my door.

1 comment:

Chris, Tammy and the gang! said... it. And yes, I think you might be a fan little Miss Alyssa. I see a HUGE poster of the B-guy on your door and no pics of your brothers.