Friday, July 4, 2008

New Brothers

Hi everyone,

I haven't posted in a parents went to China and brought home a new brother. His name is Evan (otherwise known as the kid who acts like he has lived here longer than me; and also that he's mommy's favorite). He can't speak English and I can 't speak Chinese...and he keeps looking at me like I am broken or something! Anyway, I don't know what to make of him yet, he keeps taking all of my Barbies and pushing me whenever he gets a chance. I am not going to retaliate yet, because what if he's planning on taking over Canada? If I stay on his good side, I can broad-side him after he's done. That way, he won't see it coming. For now I think I'll stay under the radar like my older brothers; they seem to think he's like a new puppy or something. I think he's cute, but he certainly lacks in playfulness and personality.

If you have any new brothers or sisters coming from far away, you might want to lock your Barbies away for a while and buy a puppy shock collar. I've heard it's a safe way to train your brother...I mean puppy.

1 comment:

Karen Nieuwhof said...

Oh so CUTE!
I need a collar for my boy too Alyssa. He's always on the floor with our 2 dogs. Our little puppy thinks he's a puppy I think. :)
Boys are strange!