Sunday, August 10, 2008

La-di-da Day

It's Sunday today. And the Olympic Games in Beijing, China are well under way. I watched some of the opening ceremonies with my dad the other night. He said they were the best he has ever seen. He also says that Beijing is a 2.5 hour flight from where I was born in the province of Hunan. If you do a search on Google, you'll find all kinds of links for the Olympics. Also, people on Facebook are going crazy over the Olympics, starting lots of groups, etc. And have you seen the Olympic Babies?!! They are so cute! My brother really loves them

You can see the Olympic Mascots here:

Anyway, I just thought I'd show you them because my brother really wants on the computer, so if I show him them while I am writing this, then he will go away. There, he's gone. I am a genius :)

Today mom and dad are taking us to a park and then we are having supper with the Stewarts. I will write more soon! :)

Alyssa Li.

PS: some of my brother's favorite Websites include: Webkinz, YouTube, Club Penguin, Spiderman, and Transformers.

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