Friday, August 29, 2008

Marco Polo Land Camping, etc.

I've been camping with my family for a few days. We slept in a trailer like Barack Obama's campaign bus! It's actually my Uncle Dean's trailer. It is much better than a tent. The only thing I didn't like about camping was the mosquitos, chilly nights, dirty feet, drops of rain, no milk one morning for breakfast, not winning at chocolate bar bingo, my brother Evan hogging the Nintendo Gamecube and DVD player, dad's second attempt at the campfire, the cold wind at the Lake of Shining Waters, a loud baby crying for an hour one night, the bouncy tent gang that were all way older than me so I couldn't bounce very much, and the arcade in the basement that we couldn't go in because we didn't have enough money (read my previous post about money...same thing!). Other than all that, it was a pretty good time. A typical MacKinnon vacation... hurricane Gustav style! Just like today when we went to Zellers to buy shoes for back to school. You should have seen the look on mom and dad's faces when we were leaving the store, especially when dad wanted to buy 35 boxes of Kraft Dinner so he could save $29.05! What a fiasco.

Anyway, we're going back to school soon and I am starting Kindergarten with my brother. I told mom he is not sitting with me and my friends Cristy-Ann and Anna. Mom insists on telling me that it is OK if he sits with us. I can't wait until she leaves us there the first day. I am going to be so Evanless it's not funny! Well, that's it for today my peeps. Until the next post...keep your chin up and your stick on the ice. My brother Dylan wanted me to write that. He really likes the Ottawa Senators.

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