Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I went to Tim Hortons today with dad. I asked him if I could put some of his change in the dish to help kids go to camp. Then I asked him why they need money. Why can't they just GO to camp? Well dad started talking like a grandfather and lost me instantly. I picked up a part about people needing money to live or something like that. He says everyone in Tim Hortons makes money so they can afford food, housing, and I bet even Barbie cars too. I have one question for the person that invented money...WHAT ARE YOU NUTS OR SOMETHING?

Why should anyone have to trade metal coins or bills just to go to camp? Here's a concept for you...just GO to camp and forget about the money. Dad always pays money for food at the Save Easy and the Superstore and Sobeys and Walmart. Why can't he just pick up his stuff and leave? Those lines just hold him up. He's a patient dad though, but that's beside the point.

Dad says he'll soon be giving me money for allowance like my big brothers. But I don't get it. He can get money out of the bank anytime, can't he? Just go to the bank people!! If anyone reading this needs money, there are several banks that will give it to you. If you live out of town, then you'll have to find a way in; sorry, can't help you there.

Anyway, when I grow up I'm going to print my own money. Why hasn't anyone thought of that? Hello CNN ???


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