Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Crustaceans, Costs, Coins, and Cats

Q: Why does it cost $181,757 per hour for Barack Obama to travel on Air Force One?

A: Maybe it's the shrimp they serve on the plane. Aside from that, I couldn't tell you. As perplexing as that is, what's even moreso is that you somehow know the amount. Like, right down to the dollar. I had a hard enough time with my homework tonight trying to figure out what coins make up $0.65. And you want me to tell you something about 181,757??? Like for real??...okay, I know you were dropped on your head.

But JFTR: With Obama's recent ten-day trip to India, Indonesia, South Korea and Japan (48 hours of flight time logged), US taxpayers would have to cough up $8.7 Million for Air Force One.

Why doesn't he just take a cab or something? Or stop eating shrimp. My dad eats shrimp and they are disGUSTING. I hope he's not paying that much to drive around in his precious Honda. He could very well be driving my education around...

Anyway, here's a random angry cat that coincidentally reminds me of mom when I drink her Pepsi without asking her...


Anonymous said...

That cat's either crazy or possessed. Scared the life out of me!

Chris, Tammy and the gang! said...

Nice...but I drink "Diet Pepsi" thank you.

And wow, I can't believe that much money is spent on Air Force One. Imagine the people we could feed, the children we could give homes to and families we could bring together with that kind of cash! Priorities people!